Covers the improvemet of living things or the development of products for industrial use, the nature application of modern technology.
According to another definition, biotechnology; all of the methods used to obtain a new organism (plant, animal or microorganism) by using whole or a part of plants, animals or microorganisms or to bring about desired changes in the genetic structure of an existing organism.
In this context our unit, which deals with biotecnology, continues its research and development studies in the light of academic studies. In addition we wish to lead and mediate in the field of health and industrial applications in our country by closely following the valuable applications and products obtained as a result of biotechnological studies in the world.
Biotechnology is an important application that will make a difference in other industrial fields, primarily biotecnological drugs and biomedical applications, as it is a subject we care about very much and is the subject of most scientific research is the main factor.
We value and attach great importance to the application of biotecnological studies that we carry out with this awareness in the products we produce.